2023 was a Pivotal Year for Epilepsies Advocacy!
2023 proved to be a pivotal year for epilepsies advocacy and policy. What started as a pilot project has demonstrated that these efforts...
2023 was a Pivotal Year for Epilepsies Advocacy!
Call to Increase Epilepsies Awareness & Resources NOW - NEAM2023 Congressional Briefing
Senate LHHS Report Includes The Epilepsies
Share YOUR Inputs for Federal Funding for the Epilepsies
Is YOUR Members of Congress on the Epilepsy Caucus?
36 Organizations Urge Increased Federal Funding for the Epilepsies
Congressional Briefing on the Epilepsies - A Huge Success!
Undiagnosed Disease Network Funded at $18M for FY23
200+ Epilepsies Action Network Stakeholders Write to President Biden to Increase Epilepsy Funding